
Public Money and Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Are Your Tax Dollars Funding Fake Clinics?

[Ed. Note: This post is one of a series, presented by NARAL Pro-Choice Washington as part of NARAL Pro-Choice America’s CPC Week of Action. For the full list of posts on this topic, click here.]

Posted by Social Media and Project Intern Michelle Auster


That’s a whole lot of orange. If you live in any one of the 34 states highlighted on the map, you should know that your taxpayer dollars are contributing to funding limited-service pregnancy centers (LSPCs), also known as crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs).

These centers lie to women by providing and promoting false and misleading information about pregnancy, sexual health, and contraception. So how do they take taxpayer dollars to fund CPCs? Most notably, by selling anti-choice license plates.

This article is part of our Week of Action exposing these fake clinics. Please consider helping us spread awareness, and keep on the lookout for more updates. Know where your care is coming from.