Abortion Care, Activism, Birth Control Access, Choice News, Clinic Violence, Commentary, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Friday Femorandum, Health Care Reform, Supreme Court Watch, Violence Against Women, War on Women

Friday Femorandum: By The Numbers

$73 million: That’s the amount of money Hobby Lobby’s retirement plan had invested in companies that manufacture emergency contraceptives, IUDs, and abortion-inducing drugs as of December 2012, Mother Jones reported this week. Yes, these are the same drugs Hobby Lobby does not want to cover for its employees.

New reporting on the All Families Healthcare vandalism case: Last month, All Families Healthcare, a family practice clinic in Kalispell, Montana, was vandalized because its practice includes first-trimester abortions. The damage was extensive enough that the clinic has been closed indefinitely, and the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that the suspectin the attack has ties to an anti-choice crisis pregnancy center called Hope Pregnancy Ministries.

Yesterday, the Missoulian reported that All Families Healthcare was pushed out of its previous office space by the executive director of Hope Pregnancy Ministries, and that the suspect “was armed with a handgun loaded with a full magazine, and had a spare full magazine on him as well” on the morning he vandalized the clinic.

We all know this is nothing more than an attempt to throw up barriers to women’s access to abortion services: Oklahoma State Rep. Doug Cox, a Republican who understands that access to birth control lowers abortion rates, sat down with Salon this week to discuss the GOP’s sexism, why a bill imposing new restrictions on Oklahoma abortion clinics is “unnecessary legislation,” and why equating abortion and emergency contraception is “irresponsible.”

7 million: The Affordable Care Act’s initial sign-up target, which was met Tuesday, despite GOP criticisms and this creative graph from Fox News:

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