Abortion Care, Choice News, Friday Femorandum, Pop Culture and Feminism, Reproductive Justice, trans rights

Friday Femorandum: Questioning Your Judgment Right Now

Every Friday, we bring you all the repro news that’s fit to reprint! Here’s what happened in reproductive politics this week:

 Today, in regrettable judicial nominations: Last year, reports RH Reality Check, the Obama administration made a deal with Republican senators from Georgia to pre-approve three judicial nominees in exchange for an end to Republicans’ filibuster of Jill Pryor’s nomination to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Now we’re seeing the result: Obama’s nomination of Michael Boggs — who is anti-choice, and has a history of opposition to civil rights — to Georgia’s federal district court.
Abortion Care, Choice News, Pop Culture and Feminism, trans rights, War on Women

What We’re Reading: When Anti-Choice Laws Make Supportive Parenting a Felony


Here’s what we’re reading on our favorite blogs today:

This guide to queer self-care — that probably everyone should read — at Boxers and Binders.

Feministing’s analysis of the Pennsylvania case in which a woman was charged with a felony for ordering abortion-inducing drugs online for her daughter, because the only available provider was out of state. Emphasis ours:

When the patient is the provider, Marty asks, what’s an anti-choice prosecutor to do “when it comes time to make sure someone is punished in the case of an illegal abortion, serving as a warning for others who also might seek out illegal means to terminate their own pregnancy?” Sometimes it’s the pregnant person, as we saw in the case of Jennie Linn McCormack who was charged with “self-abortion.” And sometimes, apparently, it’s a mother helping her daughter through a stressful  time.

In Sochi, members of Pussy Riot were attacked with whips by Cossacks.They had been preparing to make a video of a new protest song, ‘Putin will teach you how to love your Motherland,’ when the Cossacks appeared and set upon them,” reports the Washington Post.

This amazing Tumblr, where abortion fund activists give voice to what they do. One reason:

“I do this because I don’t want anyone to have to worry about where they’ll sleep when they travel across the state, decide whether to pay for their abortion or groceries for their family, or to not have anyone to hug them when they need it most.”

Go read the rest.

Image of Pussy Riot via The Washington Post.

Abortion Care, Choice News, Commentary, Friday Femorandum, Humor, Lobby Day!, Olympia Watch, Pop Culture and Feminism, Reproductive Parity Act

Friday Femorandum: The Week Everything Happened

Every Friday, we bring you all the repro news that’s fit to reprint! Here’s what happened in reproductive politics this week. It started on Monday, with our Reproductive Health & Rights Lobby Day at the CapitolNearly 300 pro-choice activists showed up to lobby their legislators to pass proactive, pro-choice legislation like the Reproductive Parity Act.

Is that who I think it is? Our executive director AND the Senate Democratic Caucus? Speaking of the RPA: It was voted out of the State House of Representatives on Wednesday.

Our own Rachel Berkson was quoted at the Stranger on the RPA, saying:

“At least two plans through the state exchange don’t cover elective abortion, and there’s confusion surrounding more. This is what happens without the RPA in place to protect access to care. We appreciate that our representatives in the House stand with women, and we urge the Senate to show that they do too.”

Next up: the RPA goes to the Senate. You can tell your Senator to do the right thing here.

Speaking of the Senate: No good bill passage goes unpunished. Just hours after the RPA left the House, a parental notification billed weaseled its way out of the Senate Law & (In?)Justice committee, and could next be scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor. Robin Marty at RH Reality Check wrote an excellent breakdown of why this law is bad for young women. Here’s where you can tell your Senator to do the right thing. 200 supporters already have.

Joke’s on you, Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke is running for State Senate in California!

The UN to the Vatican, on women’s reproductive rights and covering up child abuse: Step off!

Our Feminist Killjoy Heroine(s) of the Week: Every pro-choice champion in this newsletter, and the women of Pussy Riot, who were on the Colbert Report this week. The full video, which you’ll want to watch, is here.

(When asked how they ended up in jail.)
And finally, NARAL Pro-Choice America turned 45 this week. They made a birthday video. You can watch it here. If you are a feminist, it will probably make you cry (in a good way).
Want to get our roundup of reproductive politics news sent to your inbox every Friday? Subscribe here.
Pro-Choice Cheat Sheet, Supreme Court Watch

Pro-Choice Cheat Sheet: Paid Sick Days, Pussy Riot Free, the Notorious RBG

Freed: Pussy Riot, and other prisoners convicted of “hooliganism,” under new Russian amnesty law.

New study finds that a routine procedure to remove fibroids may actually spread cancer.

Here’s a working mom in Seattle on why paid sick leave matters, plus Feministing’s commentary on why paid sick leave is a family values issue:

“First order of business” in the State House as the legislative session starts: passing the DREAM Act.

SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t going anywhere.


We love you, Notorious RBG. Never change. Image via